
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Speeding through Life

So far I am not doing very good posting blogs :(  !!! Life keeps speeding by and suddenly you realize it has been a month! We have been working on a handful of projects outside and I am preparing for a craft fair! Don't worry pictures and stories coming.

Just had a few minutes and wanted to throw out some kid logic ...

Mr John Deere:
   "Mom I can only eat peppers is in the winter" - he loves green peppers.
   "Mom I can only eat pizza crust at night" - this was at lunch
   "Mom I can only eat cheese sandwhiches when the sun is shining" - this was on a cloudy day.

Princess Spud:
    After i told her to go feed her baby lambs, she refused. I told her that if she doesn't take care of them then she won't be able to show them at the fair. She in turn told me that it doesn't matter if I sell these babies to 4H kids she will tell Grandma and Grandma will let her show one of hers.
   Yesterday, Jake went to pick her up at preschool and she was the last one there. He asked her if the teacher was wondering where we were and she said "No, don't worry dad, mom is always the last one to pick me up. Mrs. K is use to it."

Aw the honestly!! :)